Sometimes, the tempest isn't a raging storm that hits unaware. It can be the build up of things that threaten your peace and sanity, that have the power to take you out if you don't stand strong.
My tempest has been a build up.
The scorching summer heat topped with heatwave after heatwave. Having an upstairs, west facing bedroom that absorbs it all until minutes before sunset, leaving an oven of heat that I'm supposed to sleep in.
Not having an air conditioner.
Not having any respite from the heat at home, not desiring to sizzle in it outside, adding to my already overly sun damaged skin.
Discovering the only food your husband is very allergic too is now being added to seemingly innocuous things, like mayo and many, many other foods he could previously enjoy safely.
Having to rework our entire diet for the umpteenth time since getting married in order for him to remain healthy and strong.
Living in paradise but hesitant to let your toddler enjoy it as women flaunt their assets at the creek. Don't want to have to explain why that lady is rudey to my toddler. And despite the council giving a huge section of beach to accommodate people's pets, still not being able to take my child swimming without encountering people's furry 'humans.' May I suggest that if your dog clearly dislikes little people, perhaps don't take them to the calm waters of the creek where they are often in abundance.
Everyone has rights now, it seems.
Watching someone, in the effort to save literally seconds, drive towards you head on and at speed after cutting across the intersection rather than wait for the two cars to pass.
Everyone's in a hurry. Even if that causes danger to others.
It's dealing with a change of life, and doing it quite alone, knowing your stuff is just too much for most people. The mere mention of it causes awkward weight shifting and glazed expressions. Struggling to find the right hormonal balance with medication. One stops hot flushes but causes drowsiness and fatigue all the time. One adds an abundance of energy but throws a huge dollop of cranky pants to the mix.
Not feeling as though I matter.
Missing what normal feels like.
Sharing the heartbreak and frustration of watching your daughter try for job after job without success. Wanting to see her find her place in this world, even in a limited coastal community.
Trying not to react to her frustration.
Knowing that financially, this year will be a huge stretch and trying not to let fear dictate.
That's the tempest.
This is the calm...
My God.
Time spent with Him calms my soul. Looking at what he has blessed me with already fills me with gratitude and peace.
He has also given me a deep love of creation. Watching a sunrise/ sunset, visiting the country, seeing wildlife etc fills me with a deep sense of calm.
It makes me realise that I matter too.
My home, though hot, is a financial blessing. We pay significantly less rent than market value. It's been my home for 13 years, and we have a secure home for years to come.
My creativity is starting to flow again. How I've missed it! So many ideas: I'm genuinely excited to put them into being. When hubby starts uni again, I start creating!
Having a revelation of how to really love people. Listen and care. Not having to understand everything they are going through, but being present and offering my time, heart and ears. Powerful simplicity.
Thanks for sharing my journey.
I'll leave you with some snapshots of the things that have calmed my soul this week...
Peachy skies reflecting the sunset. View from my bathroom window.
Rediscovering an old family spot.
Hubby's creations for our little girl :)
Valentines flowers from my amazing man.
Hope comes afresh with each new day.