As this is my last post pre-Christmas, I have made it a biggun. And what a big couple of days it has been. Yesterday, I couldn't cope one second longer with being so sleep deprived. I think I cried to my sweet bubba while I was feeding her breaky. Make that pleaded with her through tears. She must have listened, as last night, she went to bed at 7pm and woke up at exactly 6am. If it wasn't for my bladder, I would have slept the whole night straight too. I have just got her down now after giving her a 2nd dinner, and a full bottle, so fingers crossed we have a repeat of last night.
This is what I woke up to yesterday morning- a stunning pre-sunrise.
And here, the sun breaks the horizon.
I love how the sun looks over my back fence.
I must say, I have become a bit addicted to snapping sunrises of late, but this morning, I couldn't have cared less. I got sleep!!!
I have been trying my hardest to eat well leading up to Christmas. Today went a bit pear shaped, Lots of sampling of cooking will do that. Yesterday, however, started well.
Plain yoghurt, defrosted frozen strawberries and oats for breaky...
And a simple, divine lunch I made for me and my non teen: steamed green and yellow beans, topped with sauteed asparagus, topped with a few thin fried slivers of bacon, topped with a soft centred poached egg and parmesan chunks.
Dinner yesterday was a simple, tasty, easy meal: a BBQ chook, some salad, a large avocado to share, cheese slices and wholemeal bread rolls, all on paper plates with disposable knives and forks. Best family dinner night for a while- no big clean up.
Today. Well, let's just say it was rather productive. Considering I still feel tired- one nights sleep, though lovely, won't make up for months of exhaustion, I am amazed at what I got through.
Follow the photos to see what I managed on better sleep...
Fresh spinach and coriander pesto ingredients ready to go...
The blitzing is complete...
and so is the bottling.
Hubby did the hard work, but I did assist. Now we have a vertical hanging space, and a great screen so I can't see the clothes line or hubby's mess when he cuts wood.
A giant batch of zucchini slice ingredients ready to go. No flour this time- but I did add 2 more eggs than usual, and just almond meal in this batch. This will be ready for mine, and my non teens, healthy eating post Christmas regime.
I made an easy lunch from some leftover salad, a tin of tuna in olive oil, and some cottage cheese. I then followed that with a left over, wholemeal bread roll.
This is the start of my cupboard cleanse. What a horrid job. Horrid because i have neglected it for years, and because you don't realise how much you need your knees when one won't allow you to get down onto the floor properly without pain. This job took 3 hours. Yep, three whole hours! Lucky hubby took bubby Christmas shopping with him.
When I showed hubby my hard work, and the 3 Aldi bags full of now unwanted plastic clutter, he said it didn't look much better. I'm not sure how I resisted throwing something at him. I think deep down, I didn't want to mess my hard work, and plastic doesn't leave much of a dent anyway.
This is my proud new achievement- avocado ice cream: I blended 1 can of coconut cream, 1 large avocado, juice of a whole lime, the scraped contents of a vanilla pod, 2 teaspoons of rice malt syrup and a pinch of ground ginger. Then it was simply a matter of putting it into moulds. I distinctly think the last ice block handle is now in an Op-Shop bin, but after the effort to sort through a mountain of plastic, I wasn't going to raid the 3 large plastic bags for the darn thing, so a plastic spoon will suffice as a handle. Then freeze these treats.
When the little shapes had frozen, I popped them into a container in the freezer for later.
This is our Christmas day treat- for those of us not wanting lots of processed sugar anyway: Choc Cashew shapes. they were meant to be balls, but somehow, i must have got the quantities wrong, cause these things were gooey and definitely not roll-able. However, once set, they taste amazing! The link to the recipe is here.
After all of that, I needed time out. So, it was off to Kingy creek for an evening walk. This is the beach from the rock wall looking back.
I love seeing pelicans on the creek.
This water was so cool and felt so good on my toes. Bubby agreed. She loves the water, just not waves- yet.
And there you have it, 2 days, done and dusted. I won't blog tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve, and I have the thrilling jobs of vaccing and washing to do before my sweet dad arrives in the afternoon. Then, I'm going to enjoy my family, maybe our neighbour too, and watch my sweet bubby enjoy all the attention, even though she really has no idea what is going on. As long as she is included though, she's a happy girl.
Merry Christmas guys. Thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to sharing with you next year!
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