Friday, 3 April 2015

Good Friday and carb overload

Not a recent pic, I confess. I put it up as I miss beach walking at this time of the day. Something magic about walking barefoot in the sand, smelling the salt air, listening to the waves lap the shore all while welcoming a new day. Hope to get back to this soon.

Here is another non recent pic. Just so glorious seeing the sun rise this way.

My sweet bubby has been quite ill this week. Her temp soared, her tummy wasn't good, and her little spark dimmed. That was the most heartbreaking. She still smiled and was adorable- like above, when before dozing, she had to pull down several nappies, just in case :) But her little body wasn't well. 
We haven't had much sleep these past three nights. Thankfully, her little personality returned today, with a better appetite, and hopefully, her sleep will be better too.

As you can imagine, with an unwell bubby, and recovering from feeling blurk myself, I haven't been incredibly motivated this week to create blog worthy meals. I have made bits and pieces though, like a tweaked version of my cottage cheese protein balls...

One of the freshly made protein balls. Not super sweet, but chewy and a perfect cheats brekky when I'm too tired to eat much but still need energy.

I also made my zucchini slice but as a main, not snack. Here it is, topped with some fresh, dairy free basil pesto and accompanied by a simple salad topped with cashew mayo and lemon juice. Perfect healthy dinner for myself a few days back :)

Here is my sweet, then unwell bubby snuggling her big sissy. The only perk of her being sick was lots and lots of snuggle time.

As I haven't been sleeping well, the sunrise photo taking has been a tad erratic. This was as close as I got to a sunrise one morning after a rough nights sleep.

This morning's sunrise was a subtle, cloudy beauty. Not all mornings are showy, but all are welcome and beautiful in their own way.

Today, Good Friday, has been a wonderful carb overload kinda day. My non teen purchased far too many hot cross buns (so I thought!) and all 6 of us- including my sweet bubby, enjoyed them as a late brekky together.
At the other end of the day, there are none left!
I only eat hot cross buns once a year. I'm glad I wait, because, as always, I feel so bloated, I am happy to wait another year before I touch one again.

The above picture is today's lunch that also became dinner- a simple quiche with dots of cream cheese and plenty of veg, but only 4 eggs. Very nice indeed.

So good to see my sweet bubby with an appetite again. Here she is smiling through a mouthful of hot cross bun :)
Her energy levels soared after eating this too- she was back to attempting to take steps again. So far- one is her limit before face planting. Mind you, as she is not quite 11 months, I will be genuinely surprised if someone isn't walking by her first birthday. She is even adept at falling well-most of the time- a great skill to have at this wobbly leg age.

To add to dinner, I made a simple, carby side: warm veg and spiral pasta salad with mayo. Yes, today was a total carb overload, but I got to share it with the people I love the most- my family. 
And tomorrow is a 'hit the gym and carb detox' kinda day :)
I managed to make it to gym 2 days this week. My workouts aren't hard but designed to slowly re-strengthen my body and help heal my sciatic issues. Still, any kind of exercise feels so good. Especially after days of eating like this.

This Easter is set to be a busy one, but that is a good thing. My non teen is staying over tomorrow night. Sunday is celebrating at church, then hopefully, a catch up with hubby's fam. Monday, we head to Brisbane to visit my dear dad and possibly, my brother and his gorgeous fam too. I am really looking forward to it.

Next weekend, my sweet bubby moves into her own room. What makes this bittersweet is the fact that the current occupant will be leaving. Our lovely German teen is heading home Thursday morning. It's going to be an emotional week for sure. I already cried tonight when after a trip to the markets, she presented me with a beautiful gift- a handmade body scrub with natural coconut oil and lemon. Honestly, it is a privilege to welcome people from all over the world into your home. And how brave are these youngsters, moving in with a real family in a country nothing like their own?! I am constantly amazed and impressed. Good-byes aren't fun though. We will make this week a good one.

No recipes tonight. Don't worry though, I'm sure the coming days will produce some for sure! Happy Easter, and thanks for reading.

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