Another week in the garden has been completed, which means we're another step closer to creating a beautiful green space that attracts people.
Some of the people keen to get involved this week are rather little. Getting kids involved and interested in gardening isn't hard, especially if you allow them the opportunity to discover and do things themselves.
I don't think I've ever quite met boys this excited about planting carrot seeds! This week, these two, Zai & Hunter, learnt about recycling (egg cartons as seedling containers), how to sow seeds (great teamwork happening here!), how to be responsible (ensuring the seeds are watered twice daily until germination), and patience, as things take time to grow.
Judging by the attention to detail, we are in for a bumper crop of carrots!
My little Belle has had a rather rough week of sickness combined with getting her 2 year molars, so she enjoyed a day gardening with her mum and dad instead of going to care. She was most helpful, like pulling a shovel down on herself here.
Hubby and I tag teamed caring for her as we attempted to garden.
She thought it was a great day and gave us plenty of exercise as we ran after her.
I love seeing her face as she discovers flowers , birds and bugs. I never want to discourage this wonder in her, no matter how filthy and feral she gets :)
The front flower garden is growing incredibly well. The recent soaking rains helped. Even with weeds, this garden looks so pretty.
The boys, Mick & Shane, did a brilliant job laying carpet down by the newly cleared creek pathway. They then managed to mulch a section of it.
Hopefully, I will be able to plant it out this coming week. I say hopefully, because we've had a bit more rain, and not everything is dry yet.
Fingers crossed the water doesn't overflow into the gardens once again.
Despite having Belle with us, I managed to edge, weed and clear most of this by myself.
Go me!
I called on hubby to help me with the last section. My poor back and shoulders-this is hard work.
The part I love is planting out time! Still keeping it simple, I fell in love with these bright and cheery Marguerite Daisy plants (argyranthemum to be precise). They grow around half a metre tall and wide and are low maintenance. I just love their colour!
Here is the newly created bed, planted out, but not mulched just yet. I went around collecting several free bulbs growing around the place. Hopefully, they grow well transplanted into this bed. Since they were thriving on neglect, I'm confident they are the perfect choice for here.
I also planted more Rain lily's, yellow this time and as plants, not bulbs.
This will (hopefully) be a simple bed filled with colour in spring, and one I really want to put a little pathway in leading to a tree stump chair. Sitting among flowers and reading under the canopy of shady tress sounds like heaven to me :)
And there you have it, another week done and dusted. I hope this inspires you to make a difference, even in a small way this week.
Until next time, thanks for reading :)
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