I have fallen off the wagon people. Extreme fatigue slammed me last week. So much so, that Monday was such a struggle. I couldn't even remember if I'd eaten or not. Things kinda went downhill from there.
For those unfamiliar with my journey, read here. Adjusting to changes I have no control over and hit without warning is a bit confronting. And definitely challenging.
Normal as I know it has gone. My normal was waking after an 8 hour sleep and going for a bike ride or walk. Now, even if I do manage an 8 hour sleep, I'm utterly sapped and drained even before the day begins.
Normal was being super organised, preparing ahead and having a great memory. Now, I'm lucky to remember my name some days. And as for organised...I'm trying!
Yes, I have a toddler. Yes, I have a big family and often cook for 6, but mostly 5 ever hungry humans.
Yes, I've just finished 4 university trimesters in a row. That meant no break over Christmas.
Yes, I live with international teenage students on a fairly regular basis. That brings challenges as well as rewards.
Yes, I have 32 thousand kilo's of washing to do each week.
Pre-hormonal upheaval, I had the mental clarity and energy to cope.
So, what does that mean for me now?
It means, start again. It means, be realistic. It means, be kind to myself.
I am still going to chart my journey. However, it will be weekly from here on. I will record my measurements each week too.
The above is the food prep I forced myself to do yesterday.
Sliced celery and red onions.
Grated beetroot, zucchini and carrot.
A protein pancake, a cup of frozen berries and a 1/4 cup yogurt drizzled with 1 tp of rice malt syrup for my breakfast this morning. I admit, it was great to just open the fridge and grab it.
I also boiled 6 eggs, ready for snacks.
No excuses!
Now, it's measurement time...!!!
Here goes...
Waist: 79cm
Hips: 98.5cm
Thigh: 66cm.
As for exercise, I am off to Pilates for an hour today. I have cancelled training until next week, however, am picking up 2 sessions a week for the next month. There should be some results coming! I'm already much stronger than before, and actually did 5 real push-ups last week! Miracle right there :)
Ok, lovely people, let's check back in next Wednesday!
Until then, thanks for reading :)
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