Saturday, 7 January 2017


New Year, New Me. I mean that literally people. 

The me that started last year had a bit of a chip on her shoulder, wasn't 100% sure how committed she wanted to be to the Community Gardens, and was sideswiped into an alternate reality by psycho hormones.

Honestly, I'm not her now. At all.

I have let go of so much baggage. Forgiven-others and myself. Embraced the Community Gardens and discovered a passion for gardening and blessing others. 

I wanna sing louder than ever.

I want to create and bring joy to people.

I feel free.

I feel lighter.

I have an excitement in my soul I haven't had for years.

I admit, my eating hasn't been all that crash hot. I have addressed the side effects of unstable hormones. Sadly, I spent the majority of last year utterly fatigued. Tomorrow, I'm off to the doctor to address regulating my actual hormones. It's time. I want to flourish, not just function.

I haven't let that stop me from getting fit. What it has done, however, is change my focus from vanity training (ie: 12 week bikini body, low carb etc) to focusing on strength, health and longevity. Vanity training rarely produces long term results anyway, and often involves dangerous eating that can't be sustained. Fruit is not a bad carb people!

I first posted this on Facebook yesterday. It wasn't easy to do.
After writing an essay on body dysmorphia for uni last year, I'm purposely doing things that I would normally shy away from. 
I want to embrace loving the me I am, not the me I wish I was, or the me others shamed me into being for half of my life.
I'm beautiful, just as I am. 
I'm starting to believe, and embrace it.

Now, let me show you what I get up to during the week. 

I want to endorse my trainer, Rory Davies (find him on Instagram @rdaviesaep). He's an Accredited Exercise Physiologist & Accredited Strength & Conditioning Coach. Basically, a PT on steroids, with bucket loads more education.

He is brilliant. I am stronger than ever before. Even when training through fatigue, I leave feeling amazing. My injuries have all but vanished, and I have muscles I never knew existed.

His focus is not vanity. I have seen videos of him getting a wheel chair bound stroke victim to stand, and help people needing back surgery recover from training. I'm hooked. No price can be put on getting your health back.

Look below at me training last Friday...

These are basically evil lunges. I am only using the straps to balance myself as I place one foot on the bench before starting.

Then I drop down, back leg still on the bench, then stand until my back leg is straight.
They kill, but at least I can do them without the straps for support now.

Now, farmers carries: 32 kilo's of weight- 16 in each hand. I'm working my way up to 20 in each hand.
Brilliant for all over strength.

Now, cross legged step ups. Excellent for balance.

Having a chat, as always :)

A new exercise: Weighted hip thrusts. Hard work!

Bear crawls. Funny, they don't look anywhere near as hard as they actually are!

The good ol' plank. I rock these now!

Side planks- getting better too.

And lastly, finishing off with killer cycling intervals.
Go me!

Half an hour of training twice a week has literally transformed my body. Ok, I weigh more, but that is purely from muscle gain. I do need to address diet for my kidney and blood pressure issues, and I will. At least I've managed to develop a healthy exercise habit first. Gotta celebrate the victories.

I'm not sure what this year will look like, but I will keep my posts up to date at least weekly. For a hint at why I haven't posted for so long, please read my last Community Gardens post to see where the time went.

That's your lot for now, lovely readers. And Happy New Year! May this year be filled with much love, good health, and a positive new focus for you all.

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