I don't know how I managed to wake up at all after a sleep like that. Yet I found myself able to cook up a big, satisfying breaky from yesterdays leftover chicken before 7am. But right after breaky, I hit a wall. Big Time. I am ridiculously tired, lacking motivation, and would just like to crawl into a dark, soft corner and sleep for a very long time please. But we all know, that just ain't goin' to happen. So I have no choice but to pick myself up, find some strength (through prayer) and keep going. Seriously, without God, I'd be up poo creek without a paddle, as my dear mum would say, but perhaps not so delicately :)
I have purposely over eaten a bit this morning for two reasons. Firstly, I am super tired and need the energy, and secondly, when this tired, I don't want to be tempted to eat bad food. Yes, I may be a bit of a hypocrite and be making this bad food, but I still don't have to consume it myself due to my personal convictions.
This is what I aim to be making today- bite sized, sweet morsels of creamy, chocolaty yumminess. Considering I have made about 25 zillion of these in the years gone by, I don't even need a recipe anymore.
But, dear readers, I will only share the basic ingredients, and not exact quantities, unless I get 10 comments and/or requests.
But first, lets start with breaky. There was a good amount of meat left over from making yesterday's chicken stock. I felt like a savoury morning meal, so decided to attempt some chicken fritters.
I shred some chicken, added an egg, a little too much grated cheese (1/4 a cup), a hint of polenta (a teaspoon) and a splash of milk. I lightly fried it in a little olive oil and butter. The cheese made it a bit too sticky and hard to flip.
Breaky was served with some slices of tomato. Oh so yum- even if they were deformed :)
After a big breaky, and a suitably large morning tea, I started the epic first stages of my mini white choc cheese cakes. The process is as long as their name! Follow the pics for the stages...
I started by massacring a village of tiny teddies. Then I buried them in desiccated coconut and some cocoa powder.
The next step was hiding the evidence. This was done by warming (not boiling) some butter and condensed milk...
...Mixing this into the remains...
...Creating a concrete mix....
...And lining the bottom of the trays as a suitable burial site.
Just to be sure, I stuck them in the fridge.
That actually worked up an appetite, so I made myself something else with the left over chicken,
...a pesto, mayo, chicken and veggie wrap.
It was time to finally cover the evidence properly, so I mixed some cream cheese with a hint of natural vanilla extract, brown sugar and white sugar. When combined, I added some thickened cream, gelatin and melted white choc separately, keeping the food processor going the whole time.
This mix was carefully poured into the waiting molds and put back into the fridge.
After this stage, it was dishwash-a-thon number 2. These babies aren't easy to clean up after. But then, what crime scenes are? Hubby and I decided it was time to take an unsettled little bubby down to the beach for a bit of a break. It was another perfect Kingscliff day after all.
Bubby experiencing her first paddle. Despite the chilly water, she loved it!
A nice walk with daddy to check out the pelicans on the creek.
When back, someone was hungry again. So I made myself another green smoothy.
This time, I added some ginger, mint, a kiwifruit and only 1/4 of a green apple and blitzed.
As the kiwi fruit was slightly under ripe- tangy is the word! Refreshing though :)
Dinner for me was different to my fams. They had baked steak and potatoes with a garlic bread side. I had the below...
I made some zucchini 'pasta' and along with a little thinly sliced red onion, I lightly fried it in my usual- a little olive oil and butter. When it was cooked to my liking, I portioned it between 2 pasta bowls,
I added a hint more oil and cooked the chicken I started marinating yesterday. I seared the ginger side first and let it cook for a few minutes before flipping. then I cooked the second side for a minute or two before covering with a glass lid and turning the heat down. I left it for 5 more minutes, then checked that no pink bits remained.
One half of the double breast per bowl- the perfect sized dinner. I completed it by squeezing half a lemon over the top. Oh my gosh- I'm in love...with this meal! Yep, making it again.
Phew- that's a lotta cooking, and I didn't even show you the fams dinner. Now, onto food consumed by me this sunny day...
On waking: large, milky cuppa at 6am
Breaky: 2 chicken fritters at 7am
Morning tea: large banana and half a coffee at 8:30am
Lunch: left over chicken, pesto and salad wrap at 11:30am, plus a small cuppa
Afternoon tea: green smoothy at 2:15pm
Dinner: Zucchini 'pasta' and marinated chicken at 5pm.
Tomorrow will include more; cheese cake detailing, pesto making and more. Until then, thanks for reading. And remember- 10 comments from different people for an exact cheese cake recipe :)
Lunch: left over chicken, pesto and salad wrap at 11:30am, plus a small cuppa
Afternoon tea: green smoothy at 2:15pm
Dinner: Zucchini 'pasta' and marinated chicken at 5pm.
Tomorrow will include more; cheese cake detailing, pesto making and more. Until then, thanks for reading. And remember- 10 comments from different people for an exact cheese cake recipe :)
I don't want the recipe, I would just like you to deliver some pre made ��