Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 2, Food, glorious food

It's proving challenging getting up before 7am, yet somehow, I'm managing it- and dreaming of the day when I sleep straight. Despite being baby brained and chronically sleep deprived, I'm pretty darned impressed with the culinary triumphs I'm having at present. This is a big week of food, glorious food. Tomorrow starts the preparation of the naughty treats I am creating for my hubby's art exhibition on Friday night: mini white choc cheesecakes. The recipe makes 72, but I'm planning on just making half that, using the remainder as a gift cake to someone. And because I am making these wickedly yummy little treats, I have been extra vigilant with my diet and planning meals ahead.

Last night, I made another pesto after blogging: basil -with a hint of spinach. I made a very large batch to ensure I have a delish treat to keep me motivated. It's bursting with flavour and adds so much more to a dish, however simple. It made my breaky this morning. See below...

The last slice of pesto bread was covered in a very generous amount of pesto, topped with tomato, cheese, then grilled. Honestly- a gorgeous breaky. I need to make more paleo bread- this stuff is addictive!

Cutting back on coffee means I want to pack a lot into only a few cups. This was nice- but waaay too strong. I only got through half. Such waste! 

I felt like a fresh morning tea, so made myself a green smoothy before heading off to town to get ingredients for my catering. 

This contained one small kiwi fruit, half a green apple, some ginger and a few spinach leaves blended with water. Tangy, fresh and really good.

Lunch was as delish today as it was last night- it just needed a little more protein with the boiled egg.

I am marinating chicken for tomorrow: ginger, rice malt syrup and soy sauce. If I am cooking tempting treats, I need to have tasty, healthy food on hand to keep me focused.

I scored a great bargain at Woolies- chicken pieces/ bones for $1.74 a kilo! That's even cheaper than chicken frames and much meatier too. I needed to make another stock, and this price was the motivation I needed.

Quite a good amount of meat and bones and such great value.

The chicken was covered with a few litres of cold water and a leftover brown onion, a couple of carrots, some celery, parsley, peppercorns, bay leaves, salt, pepper and a hint of curry spice. I brought it to the boil and simmered it for nearly 3 hours. It's a set and forget kind of stock- super easy.

While the stock was cooking, hubby, bubby and I went for a walk to the beach. Who could waste a day as gorgeous as this? I know, I live in paradise :)

Dinner was fresh and easy peasy- fresh chicken stock with a fresh corn cob, kernels cut off, and left over chicken from making the stock. A pinch of seasoning, and voila- dinner is served. 

Considering Tuesdays is pizza day, hubby is on holidays- but at home and working like crazy and not cutting back of naughty foods just yet, and the family are eating things I can't, I think I'm doing quite well to stick to a healthy eating regime. Check out below for today's food consumed... 
Breaky: a large milky cuppa at 6:30am, followed by cheese and tomato on Paleo bread at 7:15am. Another half coffee at 8am.
Morning tea: green smoothy at 9:30am
Lunch: leftovers from last night
Afternoon tea: boiled egg, halved and topped with pesto at 2:15pm. A half strength, small coffee at 4pm- to ease my withdrawal headache.
Dinner: Chicken and corn soup at 5pm.

Tomorrow is the start of an epic few days of preparation for Friday night, and still cooking for the fam. lets see how I go! Until then, thanks for reading.

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