Saturday, 7 February 2015

Spicy marinated chicken, some experimenting and garden success!

Attention: My personality has left the building! Experts say you should keep your baby in your room for up to 12 months. Why this is so utterly defeats me. Perhaps it's so you never breed again. It does make for effective population control. It  also does ensure higher carbs foods and much coffee is consumed, resulting in a sustained food industry. Hmmm, makes sense really.

Seriously, I am rather fatigued. Hit a wall kind of tired. Counting down the days when my sweet little human gets to go into her own bedroom.  The world needs parents who are sane. It's just hard sharing a room- darned maternal wiring- we hear everything! It is much easier to wake up to her stirs/cries and hasten the process of sleep rather than wait the half hour or more that letting her do it herself takes. As I can't sleep through her noise, it makes sense at present. If she is genuinely distressed, I attend her asap. But I have often heard talking at 3 am. It's when she hears her mumma stir that she wakes bolt upright and then cries. Having a wall between her and I soon sounds positively delightful. 

I am rather looking forward to routine. There isn't much at present. I don't speak ill of family members, unless they are supportive of sharing a situation that helps respectfully express the current challenges faced. I will say that having a hubby home, a non working teen, and even embracing 3 teens from Germany since conceiving my sweet bubby is a challenge. There are different personalities to adjust too, diets to accommodate and hungry adults who are often underfoot. As a current stay home mumma who is trying to get organised, and get healthy, this is extremely challenging for me. 

All I can do is my best in these current circumstances. Slowly but surely, things will change. Nothing ever does stay the same forever. Things that do stagnate anyway. So, welcome to my past few days, even if posted a little late...

Yesterday's Big Breaky :) Going to bed hungry and rewarding myself with a nutritious big feed the next morning is so worth it. I topped my salmon slice with a poached egg, fried some mushrooms and tomato in butter and topped it off with some fresh garden grown parsley. Divine!

My sweet bubby started swimming lessons yesterday. I was thrilled that my non teen and hubby could watch. I was also thrilled that my board shorts actually fit at long last! In fact, yesterday was the first time I have comfortably worn shorts in public for the longest time. Losing weight is great for my confidence. 

Me and my bubby, learning to paddle.

At the end of her first lesson in her cute tankini. Someone, though distracted easily, loves the water :)

After the swimming lesson, I did a bit of experimental cooking. I wanted to try a banana version of my gluten free bread and this is the result...

Banana Cake
Makes 1 loaf
Dairy, refined sugar and gluten free

1/2 cup soaked (overnight) quinoa
30gms soaked chia seeds (in 1/4 cup water)
3 overripe (or frozen) bananas 
60mls coconut oil
2/3 cup shredded coconut
vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut flour
1/2 teaspoon bi-carb
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Pre-heat oven to 170 degrees Celsius.
Mash bananas in a mixing bowl.
Drain quinoa and place in a bowl, along with other ingredients.
Mix well.
Pour into a well greased and lined cake loaf tin.
Bake for 1 hour, turning down the heat and covering towards the end of cooking if the middle isn't firm to touch.
When set- it will be soft and slightly firm to touch. Leave in tin until cool enough to handle.
Turn out carefully. 
Set in the fridge before cutting. Store in the fridge until needed.

I must say, as this was an experiment, it definitely needs tweaking. However, fresh from the oven- though very moist- Yum! Not super sweet, and a little chewy with the coconut, but again- Yum! I thought it had failed until I fridge set it. I will work on the recipe to make it less moist. Perhaps less oil, or maybe more quinoa- drained better. As we eat bananas weekly, I will have ample opportunity to keep experimenting :)

The batter ready for the oven...

And cooked- barely risen, but set.

The cake after carefully being removed from the tin.

When set in the fridge, decorate thin slices with whatever takes your fancy. Here I have used frozen raspberries, some fresh picked mint leaves and a native violet flower. This slice isn't overly sweet, but filling and nutritious. It's the perfect naughty food because it's good for you :)

Now I need to throw in some scenery, just in case you thought I had forgotten :) Hubby, bubby and I went on an hours long walk last night to settle a grumpy bubby, and this is some of the stunning scenery our local creek has to offer... 

Kayaks lined up ready for tourists.

The mouth of the creek viewed from under the tall pines.

My favourite spot with the tide going out.

There, scenery done and dusted. Now, to more food :)

Spicy Marinated Chicken
Serves 2 as a main dish

1 tbsp tamari
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon honey
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 cloves crushed garlic
2 tbsp coconut cream
2 large chicken breasts

Marinate for 2-3 hours.
Add 1 tbsp cocnut oil to pan on medium heat
Sear one side 4-5 mins. Turn, cook 1 minute, cover, turn off heat. leave for 10-15 minutes.
Juicy and cooked through with minimal fat.

 Despite the shadows which seem to leave a pink tinge on my laptops image, I have cut this chicken to show that the cooking method ensures tender, white flesh inside that is extremely juicy.
The chicken was so moist, and spicy.  I will make this again for sure!

We have just spent a lovely, tiring, fun, scary family day at Movieworld. I took my German teen on some nerve wracking rides I haven't experienced for nearly 2 years due to pregnancy and a bubby- so much fun, and so much adrenaline for us both! And our sweet bubby got to experience her first rides- the Merry-go-round, and the ultra squashy kids train (not designed for grown up bums). Now, however, I'm fading fast. So before I do, I had better show you what hubby did bright and early this morning... 

We have pavers, a garden edging and stones! The covering kept the concrete dry despite heavy rain, and I have a path out that I can use!!! So happy.

The garden just needs some mulch, and the gate a security lock attached, and my garden is aesthetically pleasing again :)
Just in time too I think, if my sweet bubby's desire to walk is anything to go by! Those little legs will need more room than what indoors will provide :)

There you have it, another few days down. I apologise for any spelling errors. They can stay until morning when my brain function is hopefully at a peak again. Hope this offers some inspiration. Feel free to comment- I welcome ideas, thoughts etc. 

Until next time :)

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