Under current circumstances, I am sure you'll forgive me for not blogging sooner. My sweet little girl has decided to reduce her night time sleeping a little bit, which is a mild concern. Translated: my darling little one has decided to become a cling on, crying hysterically if her mumma doesn't cuddle her constantly during the evening hours, which is positively the most annoying, life draining pain in the butt ever (the not sleeping- not my little girl).
During this pleasant time, I may have deviated from my healthy eating regime, just a little. Ok, truth. A. Lot. Nothing says "move outta my way and let me eat those darn carbs!" quite like a few weeks of a new born baby sleeping pattern with a megga energetic toddler.
There are some positive aspects to come out of this. I have been able to train. Certainly slow progress, but as we all know, slow and steady wins the race. After a miraculous, almost perfect sleep last night (almost- but not quite), I managed to train this morning. I am recovering quicker than the first week, and instead of wondering how on earth I will ever move or walk again, I am now wondering when I can push on to the next level of resistance. Go me! Though the scales say I have gained a tiny bit of weight, I'm not discouraged. I am definitely stronger, and my hips have shrunk slightly. Very encouraging!
Another positive is the realisation that its OK to slow down when going through a tough season. I owe nothing to anyone except my husband and girls (overseas student included). If all I do in a day is hug my toddler and make sure she is loved, and the others are too, whether I make it to gym or not (or get outta my pj's or not!) doesn't matter- I've had a successful day. Keeping things in perspective really matters during certain challenging times.
Next week, my summer subject starts for uni. I hope and pray my little girl sleeps. If she doesn't, I will aim at doing my best under current circumstances. It's the best I can do, and I will be kind to myself. Remember, we love others as we love ourselves, so being kind to ourselves vital.
Self love also means being kind to my body. Hubby and I discussed this. Even when tired, I need to train at least twice a week, even if only at half pace. No point in staying weak and unfit- that helps no-one. That also applies to eating. Granted, exhaustion does make will power almost impossible to enforce at times, but I can't keep over-eating carbs until my bubba sleeps better. That could be months away! No, positive control has to be put in place. And this blog will once again keep me motivated. It worked before, so I know I can do it again!
Now, let me catch you up on some inspirational photos; healthy food and the stunning area I am blessed to live in!
A healthy veg shop.
I love the colours, and by buying your fave fruit & veg, it's almost a guarantee you'll eat healthier.
Stunning Cabba Headland.
Hubby and I still try to have date days where possible, and a nice walk often makes us both happy.
Another headland pic.
Beautiful Sth Beach, Kingscliff.
Cudgera Creek, my fave place.
Exploring with daddy :)
Another Cudgera Creek snap.
Just so beautiful here.
An example of a healthy lunch of mine.
An old fave: Zucchini quiche/ slice...
...served with a simple tomato/ fresh home grown basil salad.
A lean chicken breast salad.
2 coconut cream/ chia/ berry smoothies I pre-prepared for breakfast to soak overnight.
Rockmelon flower- perfect brunch.
Trying to wear my sweet little girl out!
She loves the freedom of running on the beach, even after a night of limited sleep.
And that is your lot for another day. I hope to be back much sooner, but I will at least attempt to keep a food diary and weigh in weekly again.
Until next time, thanks for reading :)
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