When you commit to do something, sometimes the weather throws a spanner in the works. Or at least, it tries to. The past week saw an abundance of free pavers on offer, and on Monday when hubby and I went to start the collection process, down it came. Not too bad at first, but by the end of the first load when back in Kingy, we had no choice but to park by the creek as the crazy deluge hit, reducing visibility to basically zero and causing minor road flooding. Just as well we managed to grab some food first so we could sit it out comfortably in the car. Hubby and I have the weirdest dates :)
Take a look at the week that was...
At Elanora collecting pavers, when of course, it starts to rain. Me, being me, hid in the car while hubby kept at it :)
One load down before getting some much needed food.
In the veggie garden, things are growing well, like strawberries. I'm yet to claim a ripe one though. Gotta be quick!
Yellow zucchinis growing in abundance.
The baby spinach seems to have outgrown its name...and the veggie patch. Help yourself people!
My Sarah helped me undertake what seemed impossible-move and plant a large, donated yukka stump. Gym workout for the week done!
On Friday, the work for the dole boys, and an extra helper, did a brilliant job collecting the pavers we couldn't get on Monday.
Honestly, in 30 degree heat, this guy did not stop for 3 loads. Love your work, Stevie!
One driveway of pavers collected at last.
I inspected the long ignored front garden and discovered some wonderful reseeding going on, like this daisy...
and this snapdragon.
Back to the yukka, securely in it's new home.
An abundance of bricks and pavers- ready to be recycled into something wonderful.
Paperbark and a wild iris...simply beautiful.
A baby carrot...thought I planted long varieties, but perhaps not.
I personally dislike Kale immensely. Bugs don't however. Proof that I refuse to use chemicals on the garden.
My first eggplant flower!
Exciting progress! The pavers are being used to create a new garden pathway.
I'm blown away by the progress hubby and 2 workers did in just one day. Impressive!
The pathway was initially going to have more turns and weaves, but when walking it, hubby and I agreed it would be too tight for prams and the like.
After a day of lifting and laying pavers, hubby deserves to sit on his posterior :)
First stage of the pathway is nearly complete!
Last, but certainly not least, wonderful Poppa Ian is building bird houses to adorn the garden. I love when people give of their time and skill to leave a lasting legacy that will bless others.
There you have it, a week with plenty of rain, and even more progress. I've said it before- let's hope both continue!