Thursday, 19 October 2017

Community gardens: Free plants & a lotta bricks!

Another week down and so much to fill you in on yet again.

Last week, when hubby was cladding the steel framed garden beds, we both agreed bricks would be the go-looks way better, will last infinitely longer. Well, we got bricks! An amazing couple- Pete & Danika- donated a huge amount from their home reno last Saturday, and helped deliver them too.

After that, hubby went onto Gumtree and found a huge pile more, so that was our job on Tuesday. Technically, it wasn't supposed to be my job- we had help lined up but they got a job interview and could only be there part of the day. So, armed with my terrible 3 or so hours sleep, I somehow managed to shift a load and a half of  the bricks with my man.

I'm stunned at what you can do when you just have to. Makes my excuses for not hitting the gym more often quite feeble really :) 

Today, we were awaiting a worker who was running late when he turned up with a literal trailer full of free plants! So awesome, and completely unexpected. We are ridiculously grateful.

Take a look for yourself at the week that was...

Hippeastrum about to flower.

Some unknown person donated, and planted, an agave next to the one I found dumped in the bush. I moved it a bit to be where it looked ascetically pleasing to my eye-and away from new tube stock I put in recently, to allow for growth and not have one atop the other. 
Thanks whoever you are!

This is hubby last Tuesday. 
I did one, and only one attempt at moving a barrow full of bricks. 
Never again. At least not on zero sleep.

When we first arrived at the house, this pile seemed huge. Once we got going and found a rythm, it really wasn't too bad. I think 3 trailer loads did it.

It's a tedious job- collecting them off the ground, loading them into the trailer, taking them out and stacking them neatly- on repeat.
Great workout though :) 

Now, onto today. Look- my first bougainvillea flowers! 

Hippies showing off.

The pile of bricks from the past weeks effort. Not too shabby.
They will look great around the garden bed frames.

Today, Mick spruced things up a bit with a much needed coat of paint.

And here is Michael, digging in the first of his donated plants- monstera deliciosa.

We have 6 large plants now, and after some discussion as to their placement due to their spread, we have suitable homes for each of them. Here, hubby is dragging a massive cutting down behind the bricks.

The first plant is in and upright.

Now, the vacant space under the trees is being made home to another one. This will allow me to move some screen trees I planted here several months ago to another spot. And I know just the place...

Hubby digging deep to accommodate the lengthy trunk, and keep the top heavy plant sturdy.

My Sarah watering a freshly planted specimen. It's actually exciting to be given large plants. 
When they establish, the effect will be amazing. And lush, tropical, welcoming.
Plus these babies are hardy.
What's more- they have edible fruit.

And last of all, the last plant has gone in.
Hubby has decided to extend the garden beds, so these are perfect to add a dense, lush cover to a huge section of the outer garden, and frame it well too.
With the bricks out of the way, the view will be better- I promise :)

You may notice the pile of bricks to the left has been partially wrapped. Someone ran out of wrap. It needs to be done- don't want stray kidlets mountain climbing.

I just love progress. And rain. We've had lots of both lately. Let's hope this trend continues!

Until next time, thanks for reading.

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