Saturday 22 April 2017

Community Gardens update: Easter celebrations!

I'm so excited to share this post with you! So many positive things happening, and I for one am thrilled :)

But don't just take my word for it, check these out...

It's Easter egg hunting time! 
Love this Easter bunting across the entrance.

Cute bunny feet lead the way.

This way!

Balloons mark the treasures.

Kids everywhere! Love it!

To see others using the garden for social, fun things really, really blesses me. Though sick at home, when my eldest daughter sent me some pics, I was instantly cheered up. The garden is being used to create fun memories!!!

Now, onto other things. Thanks so, so much to Paul, who gave up his Good Friday to weed this area. And what an incredible job too! Saved me so much stress. All I need to do is mulch and water now.

Except for the daisies, which clearly do not enjoy being submerged in murky water, the other plants are bouncing back to life. Yay!

Even the agapanthus are bursting with bright green new growth after being completely submerged in the floodwater.

My man is amazing. Just because I'd been feeling down recently, and always wanted a veggie garden, he decided Friday was the day to build it.
Paul also put in a phenomenal day and not only cleaned up, but also helped build with hubby.

Of course, heavy lifting was not an option for me, so me and my cute little helper got onto other tasks, like weeding, pruning, planting and watering.

Framework getting assembled.

Taking shape!

Hubby drilling things into place.

The beds are actually quite huge.

Back to the front garden, and here, a marigold reseeded itself and is blooming quite happily.
Love plants that thrive on neglect :)

Some more happy, neglected flowers.

After tidying up the hedges and weeding, my sweet girl helped me plant 'nuts', otherwise known as Jonquil bulbs :) Hopefully, by the end of winter, this blank patch of dirt will be filled with heavenly scented blooms.

Some more sawing, and the frame is nearly done.

With the frame in place, Paul begins laying the paver pathway. 

While the path was going in, I went for a little walk to explore. The garden is growing well after the floods. The mother-in-law's-tongue in the left foreground has started sending up new shoots, meaning the slope will be stable soon.

And, here it is, the almost ready to plant out veggie garden! A few bits and pieces of cut pavers need to go in, the grass needs turning and removing, and then, some quality dirt will be added so it's ready for planting.

Hubby and my sweet girl checking out the new pathway that leads around the garden. So exciting to see this much progress in one day!
 The lattice will be attached to the wall so vines can grow up it. Soon, this space will be bursting with herbs, edible flowers and veggies!!!
Watch this space!

And there you have it, a lotta positive progress, cute kids and Easter hunts. Can't wait to bring you much more soon!

Thanks for reading :)

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