Sunday, 17 January 2016

Menopause & My Chocolate Bliss Balls

It is fair to say, I feel like I'm going crazy. 

I walked into a room the other day and the table was covered in kids craft. I was horrified and instantly went into panic mode, and then I cried. Every feeling is completely overrated; joy, sadness, anger...all on steroids. And don't you dare leave a mess anywhere- that is a catastrophe! ABC Kids has a painfully annoying show called the Furchester Hotel. One of their catch phrases is, "It's a catastrophe!" I am now convinced a menopausal woman wrote the script. How very progressive of ABC to allow that :)

All of this is giving me an insatiable craving for chocolate. Perhaps its the constant hormonal shifts that are driving it, but whatever the reason- I need some! As most of us already know, heading down menopause highway is counter productive if you don't eat for an aging body. 

Another preventive measure was bumping into my trainer at the supermarket yesterday. I wasn't aware he was a local, and the instant shame I felt about what, at times, accidentally slips itself into my trolley was quite overwhelming. 

So, here we are, craving chocolate, just not allowed to eat it. But wait- there is hope after all! Enter My Chocolate Bliss Balls. Packed with fibre, low GI carbs and heaps of protein with minimal fat, these beauties take the sting out of the chocolate craving issue. 

And look, they are super easy to make!

My Chocolate Bliss Balls.


1 heaped tbs peanut butter
1 tbs chia seeds
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 tbs LSA
1 tbs Macro Gentle Fibre (a mix of psyllium, oat bran & linseed)
1 tbs sultanas (or 4 dates)
1 tbs rice malt syrup
1/3 cup grated beetroot (yes, you read right, beetroot!)
1/2 cup oats
2 tsp cinnamon
vanilla extract
Natural protein powder (soy based for me)
Coconut for coating

  • Bung all of this into a blender. 
  • Blitz until smooth.
  • Add 3/4 cup of boiling water.
  • Go make a cuppa.
  • Come back to mix in 15-20 minutes.
  • Using a teaspoon, roll heaped lumps into balls and then roll into coconut.
  • Note- mix will start out pretty darn sticky. have clean warm water on hand.
Makes approximately 20 balls. Store in the fridge- cover if you don't want them to dry out too much. Will last a couple of weeks, if you don't inhale them first :)

Ok, so I admit, these aren't the creamy, addictive & heavenly bliss of sugary chocolate. But they are antioxidant packed, fibre filled nutrient bombs, which your body will thank you for. 

These babies are perfect pre work out or for that afternoon slump when sugar cravings kick in before dinner. 

As a bonus, look below- I have been using the My Fitness Pal app and have discovered it is perfect for getting the facts on exactly what nutrients are in the foods I make. 
My statements were spot on- go me!

Once again, that is your lot for another day. I hope this inspires some of you.

Until next time, thanks for reading :)

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