Thursday, 14 January 2016

Super Easy Tahini Free Baba Ganoush

Can you believe it- I'm back after 2 days! Miraculous, I know. Now that uni is over for a few weeks, I can think again, and utilise my currently scattered thoughts (thanks perimenopause) and blog recipes again. Aren't you glad?!

As always, I shall start with a little scenery, of my garden this time. To be more precise, my new (reclaimed) potting table. I love having a little spot to grow some colour in an otherwise small yard.
It makes the perfect spot for morning cuppa's.

I have been so good these past several days with eating, 
that I gave myself a cheat breakfast- a high sugar one. Natural sugar of course. Sitting in bed and enjoying a red paw paw half, filled with a hint of natural greek yoghurt, a few sprigs of fresh mint and fresh raspberries was just divine, especially as my little energiser bunny (my toddler) was still asleep. 

I am trying my best to eat well because we are all off, except my middle non teen, for a much needed holiday soon. This holiday destination has a pool. I haven't been particularly disciplined over Christmas, so if I would like to swim in said pool without purchasing a whole new set of swimwear, I need to eat a little better and be far more proactive with my health and diet. 

I have been making a large vat of low carb veg soup each weekend to see me through the week. The only starchy veg I include is pumpkin. As lovely as this is, I need a little bit of variety. I almost forgot I had an eggplant in the crisper, and as I wracked my brain thinking what to do with it, I suddenly remembered a dip with a name I could never remember how to spell with tahini in it. I have a love/hate relationship going on with tahini, and as I'm trying to cut down on fats (not go low fat- just reduced portions of the real stuff which our bodies need). So here is my non-tahini version of...



1 500g eggplant
1 tbs fresh lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, crushed
ground rock salt & pepper to taste
1 tbs olive oil


Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees celsius
Pierce eggplant with a fork all along it and around it.
Place on a lined tray- no need for oil.

Cook for approximately 40-45 mins until it looks sad and wrinkly.
Leave to cool.
Once cool, peel skin off- this is quite easy. 
Can be covered and placed in the fridge if you aren't ready to make it yet.

Place the eggplant pulp into a bowl with all the other ingredients.
Mix well with a fork.
If you want a fluffier/creamier dip,
use a blender.
 Rustic with chunks works fine for me.
Cover and store in fridge for several days.
Enjoy :)

And there you have it, another post, done and dusted. Go me! 

Hope to chat again soon. Until then, thanks for reading :)

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