Friday, 28 October 2016

My health challenge Day 10

A bit late on the update once again. Yesterday was a busy, fun day spent with miss 2, who had her first ever bus ride! 

All dressed up and inspecting her pink, fluffy bunny bag while waiting for the bus.

Getting a bit bored while waiting and doing some dance moves.

Standing on tippy toes trying to see if the bus has arrived yet.

The bus was VERY late, but that didn't dampen miss 2's enthusiasm one little bit. Even though the window on the bus was too high for her to see the road, she was thrilled she could see the clouds and tree tops. Seriously, I need that outlook-finding the positive in every situation. Love what kids can teach us.

Our journey home was eventful. It started storming and raining just before our stop. I walked a majority of the 20 minute walk home with a frightened, wet toddler and shopping. My poor arms!

I was positively STARVING for most of the day. I was constantly hungry until going shopping to buy a small present for a niece's birthday. Maybe I needed the extra fuel to cope with the walk home? 

Here is my daily intake...


Breakfast: 1 large banana and a fructose free muesli bar. Coffee with skim.

Morning Tea: Protein shake and a small handful walnuts. Coffee with skim.

Lunch: A quinoa wrap crammed with  a thick slice of paleo bread, 1 medium avocado, tons of veg and fermented beetroot relish. Coffee with skim.

Afternoon Tea: A gloriously fluffy vegemite sandwich on wholemeal bread.  With butter. I heart bread.

Dinner: 2 pieces of fresh sea mullet with steamed greens.


A 20 minute walk home, most of which was spent carrying a 14 kilogram toddler.

I am pleased with the day. I did cave and eat bread-something I'm trying to avoid. But in all honesty, it could have been the chocolaty muffins I made early in the morning for my student. I resisted! Proud of me right now :)

Another day done, albeit a little late. More updates soon!

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