Wednesday, 19 October 2016

My health challenge.

Ok, today is the day. It's not Monday, I know. Why not start a new life mid week, I say.

Wednesday is the day of choice because I started my 10 session training plan today. 

I aim to document my daily meals and exercise for the next several weeks to help me shed the 5+ evil kilo's that have crept back onto my person.

With no uni to cram for, a much better sleeping pattern, I really have no excuses. I want my health back!

The posts will be simple, and where applicable, have a recipe or two. 
Take a look at today's success. I was actually too busy to overeat. Woo!


Breakfast: Berry apple bircher muesli, which includes 1 apple, 1 cup blueberries, LSA, soaked chia seeds, cinnamon, oats, a hint of lemon juice and plain yoghurt, soaked overnite (makes 3 serves). Yum! 

A large coffee with skim.

Lunch: Herman Brot low carb bread (1 slice, toasted) topped with cream cheese, 100g smoked salmon, cherry tomatoes.

Another coffee with skim-about 1/2 cup.

Dinner: 200g tabbouleh, 2 soft boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, 1 small avocado.

Mineral water.

Plus plenty of water throughout the day.

A pic collage of my meals. Honestly, very satisfying, and super healthy.


1 hour of pilates.
30 minutes of strength training.
2 hours of housework.

As far as starting how I want to finish, I nailed it! I'm now in the overweight category for my height. That will be rectified soon, but safely. It took weeks to gain excess lard, so I will aim to eat balanced meals-at least 3 a day, and exercise regularly. 

I can do this! 

Let's see what tomorrow brings!

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