Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Day 14, a beautiful day and new ideas.

This is by far my favourite tree, the poinciana. It's fern like spreading canopy that not only provides shade (and perfect swing attaching limbs when mature) but bursts into brilliant red blooms in spring. What's not to like? It was worth crossing the road in the heat to get a photo when walking home today. And why did I post this pic, you may well ask? Being healthy isn't just what you shove into your mouth. Gratitude plays a huge role in health and well being. Taking 5 minutes to appreciate my local surrounds goes a long way to developing a healthy mind and body.  

Gorgeous allamanda vine growing on my back fence.

I love the view over my back fence, and I love these yellow allamanda flowers. This is how I chose to start my day- seeing the beauty in the ordinary. That is of course after being woken most of the night by an adorable, non sleeping bubby. In fact, that is the reason I chose to see the beauty in the ordinary- I can't let 5 hours sleep bring my soul down. It's already affecting my body. Choosing the right focus first thing in the morning can go a long way in setting the tone of a day. Another point to ponder with this vine: I have brutally pruned it over and over the years; cutting off was wasn't very productive, branches that had died, and even healthy shoots in order to make them grow more vigorously. There's a lesson in itself- our seasons in life, especially the tough ones, can be 'pruning' us to help us produce our best and be an opportunity to get rid of unhealthy emotional responses, habits etc. I like that analogy, especially with the season my hubby and I are currently in. I think I will stop resisting and let myself be shaped into a healthier growing me :)

Another positive focus- my vertical herb wall. Who remembers where it began? Let me refresh your memory by clicking here. I have cut these herbs again and again for many dishes, yet they flourish, with the exception of the coriander- one has died back and the other is attempting to regrow. I have basil and tomato and chilli's growing in pots below, mostly doing well. I am grateful that I can not only access fresh herbs, but have an outlet for my green thumb. I will certainly be sharing this love with my sweet bubby.

I have nothing exciting to share in the food preparation department today, though I did grab a supermarket recipe magazine, recipes +. Yes, it has a lot of sugary desserts. It also has really great ideas for family dinners that contain no sugar at all, like one I'm keen to try: Corn, Bacon and Fetta Fritters. Getting new ideas is always a bonus, and they are budget friendly which makes life even better :) Be prepared for new recipes people!

I also surrendered to the hype and purchased Organic Cocao Powder today. What tempted me was the nutrient content, especially magnesium and iron. I love ordinary coca and I know that it has health benefits, so hopefully, the raw version is even better. I will let you know how I feel after a week or two using it.

I have been eating mainly protein again today, at no set times as it was a hectic day again. Lack of sleep, lots of running around, an appointment, errands all sap energy and at times, appetite. I did eat well, but I can't remember times or exacts, so I won't be recording that today. 

Let's see how this goes in my morning shakes :)

Lastly, let me finish with an evening view over my back fence.I'm so grateful to have this. 
Hope this leaves you all feeling a little encouraged as I share my journey with you. Hopefully tomorrow will produce some culinary triumphs to share :) Until then, thanks for reading. 

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