I slept til 4:30am today- getting closer to getting my 8 hours in. Bubby slept very well, I just can't seem to get myself to bed at 6pm like her :)
Do you remember my cry on Monday- and how that motivated me to be a friend? I caught up with a precious lady today who is going through the most heartbreaking situation. I really needed this for so many reasons. One reason being, to never forget where I came from. Why I say this is simple- I never want to not feel for others. To forget where I came from doesn't mean to live in the past, it means to come from a place of compassion, understanding and support. I have touched on my past as gently as I could in my post titled Buried Treasure from my other blog, Hank & Petal. When I see someone broken and hurting, I want to display the same support, love and kindness that has been shown me, and helped me make it this far. Today especially opened my eyes and my heart again. It's easy to get caught up in shallow relationships. Real caring is often messy and time consuming, but so worth it.
As for the rest of the day. Well, I'm sitting here typing feeling a bit sorry for myself. I actually chipped my tooth on the chicken lasange I made tonight. I had already eaten, and wasn't particularly hungry, yet decided to sneak a bit of pasta while I was putting the remaining serves in the fridge. And that's when it happened. I crunched a dry bit and instantly realised a large part of my tooth wasn't attached anymore. My first proper, very visible chipped tooth :( That will learn me- don't be greedy! And don't be scared of making my lasagne people. It's good, I promise!
I am trying not to be down due to the money this will cost. Circumstances beyond our control mean that hubby and I are short a significant amount of dollars pre-Christmas, and now some of what's left is going on my tooth. It's easy to let this upset me, but really- I challenge myself, and others; Christmas can be done on a low budget. The memories made will last longer than any overpriced, obligatory gift anyway. So I am choosing to make this a brilliant Christmas with what we have left. And I will blog it too :)
After my coffee catch up with my precious friend, hubby and I went in Kingscliff to run some more errands. By that time, I was starving, so hubby brought me sushi for lunch. It was so good.
My smiley sushi face :) I admit to having already eaten 2 more 'eyes' just prior this photo being taken. I know sushi rice has sugar in it, but with all this omega 3 raw fish goodness, I figure it was worth it.
I will now get onto this lasagne, the one about to cost me some $'s at my least favourite place, the dentist. Again, like last night, I am constantly trying to make filling food on a budget, and keep the family full of healthy fats, lots of veg and good protein.
After cooking a little over 400gms of lean chicken mince (yep- sometimes I buy lean if on special) in olive oil, I added 4 grated carrots, several small sticks of celery, also grated, and a finely sliced half an onion to the same pan with a little butter and cooked over medium/ low heat until softened.
I returned the chicken mince once the veggies were cooked. You can see the meat to veg ratio clearly. Lots of healthy fibre right there.
Then I added a jar of Italian Passata, some pepper, a teaspoon of veggie stock powder and some salt.
I use Passata as the ingredients are simple: Tomato, salt and food acid. No sugar in sight.
Mix all the ingredients together and gently simmer for 15 minutes.
Begin layering: Sauce first, then lasagne sheets (I used 2 packs), followed by more sauce and a dribble of cream. Repeat the last layer until the top layer, which just has a cream base covered in tasty grated cheese- lot's of it.
Cover with foil and bake in a hot oven (200C) for 45 minutes. Uncover and cook for a further 15, or until cheese turns golden.
This is the result- a huge, rustic but delish lasgane that will easily feed 8 polite or 6 hungry people :)
This lasagne was a little dry around the edges (my poor tooth!). I initially was going to make a bechamel sauce but simply ran out of time. There are 3 serves left in the fridge for an easy Friday night meal with salad.
Now, onto what I ate today...
Breaky number 1: 1/2 a sweet potato slice at 4:30am
Breaky number 2: the other half of the slice with a smear of mayo and a cuppa at 6:30am.
Morning tea: 1 boiled egg at 9am followed by a small cappuccino at 10:45am.
Lunch: Seafood sushi pack at 1:45.
Early dinner: banana and a large wholemeal bread roll at 4:30.
I didn't eat more than a mouthfull of lasagne, so I'm not counting that!
There you have it, another day done and dusted. Until tomorrow :)
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