Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Day 8, results, home made mayonnaise and yes, more bacon

A little milestone was reached today: bubby sat up for the first time in the shopping trolley like a big girl :) This makes grocery shopping oh so much easier. And yes, day 3 in a row of me at the supermarket, for those who are keeping check. 

My relaxed bubby, enjoying her big girl view of the world while shopping with  her mumma at our local Woolworths.

This morning, weigh in produced encouraging results. I am a little over 4 kilo's heavier than my wedding weight, which was also my conception of bubby weight :) So very happy about this. In a much earlier post, I took my measurements. I am astounded with how much I am shrinking with minimal exercise and full fat food. Check out the stats below...

Yes! 62.5 kg at last! Only 4.5 to go and I will be my pre-baby weight :)
Now, to measurements...

Waist: 76.5 cm (was 81.5) 5 cm difference!
Hips: 99.5 cm (was 103) 3.5 cm difference.
Upper thigh: 55cm (was 63) 8 cm difference-wow!
Bust: 90cm (was 93) 3 cm difference.

This is just the motivation I need to keep going. Slowly and surely, I am reclaiming my health, even with injuries and limited mobility in some areas. The proof in cutting sugar and processed foods is clear- it gets results! Imagine if I was able to exercise!

Today was a mixed bag sort of day. I couldn't get back to sleep after bubby woke me at 3, so after tossing and turning for ages, I got up and had breaky at 4:30am. That gave me heartburn. Then bubby woke again and I had to let her snuggle in bed, but with my head propped up. Guess whose neck feels special today. It was wet, a bit cold, then steamy and hot. I shouldn't complain- when summer really hits, there won't be the word cold in that last sentence. I ran errands, attempted housework, then ended up cooking after a brief post lunchtime nap. I had a productive day- though I didn't tackle my bedroom-it needs urgent attention. Bubby is fast outgrowing many adorable little outfits and the piles are growing at a rapid rate. Sadly, there just isn't room for that many things. I was given so so many gorgeous clothes- and still keep getting more! It is hard to part with these I must admit- I may never have another baby of my own to nurture again, I'm a bit sentimental about them at present. I may just store them for now.

I ate well, just an interesting mix of things. I am hungry as I type this, but I know I have had enough nutrients for today. 

Morning tea wasn't attractive, but it was delish: Paleo bread, lightly fried and topped with a 20gm piece of extra tasty cheese. 

Before I get onto today's food consumed, I made a mayo at long last. It is so frustrating that even a no sugar brand I was buying now has sugar in it. It's also a challenge when my teen hates my usual tangy mayo. I usually just use lemon juice and Dijon mustard but she really dislikes it.  So I did some looking, and came up with a simple variation that I am sure will please...

My homemade mayo: 
Place 3 egg yolks (save egg whites) in a food processor with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 generous teaspoons of dijon mustard, some salt and 1 tablespoon of rice malt syrup and blitz until mixed. Then slowly drizzle in 200mls of olive oil, while blitzing, until it fluffs and thickens. The above is what I ended up with- and believe me- it tastes divine!This should last for 2-3 weeks in the fridge- if not eaten first. 

We have a couple of big eaters in the house, so coming up with satisfying meals that don't break the bank is always a challenge. Tonight, I wanted to use the rest of the bacon (it was tempting me) and also a bag of sweet potatoes I purchased last week. So I came up with a simple dish...

Sweet potato and bacon slice:
Grate 3-4 cups of sweet potato and half an onion. Chop 5 rashers of bacon. Saute in olive oil and butter until sweet potato softens.
When cooked, allow to cool slightly before transferring to a large bowl. Add 3 egg whites (leftover from mayonnaise) and 3 whole eggs, 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup of cream and 1/4 cup unbleached plain flour. Mix. Season with a little salt and pepper.
Place in a greased baking dish and bake at 200 degrees celcius for approximately 40 minutes, or until firm and lightly golden. See below.

The finished slice- enough for 6 generous serves. There are 3 slices left for tomorrows lunch for hubby and maybe a meal for me:)

Though not an appealing looking dinner, the slice was a winner. The salad- lettuce, grated carrot and cucumber, was dressed with a little mayo that was thinned out with some apple cider vinegar. My teen approved of the dressing and requested it again. Finally- a win!

However, my dinner was this: left over tuna steak on kale, spinach and chard leaves. I had been dying to try kale but was a bit nervous due to unfavourable reports on its taste. I am pleased to say, what is everyone complaining about?- it tastes fine! Especially with a splash of sesame oil and lemon juice on top. I like strong flavours- maybe that's why I like it?

I feel satisfied with today. Tomorrow, though, I am calling my Dr and cleaning the mini mountains of adorable little human clothes. My knee is driving me somewhat crazy, a little more than the piles of clothes are. 

Now, to the food I enjoyed today...

Breaky: the last oat/ chia parfait at 4:30am. 
Morning tea: large cuppa followed by paleo bread and cheese at 8:30am.
Lunch: large granny smith apple, then 1 protein ball, followed by a hand-full of grated cheese. Another coffee at 12:30.
Afternoon tea: several un-grated bits of sweet potato- steamed with a generous amount of home made mayo at 3pm.
Dinner: above tuna and salad at 4:30pm plus miso soup at 5:30pm.

There, I hope that inspires someone. Please feel free to comment :) Until tomorrow, thanks for reading.

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