Monday, 8 September 2014

Day 11, a gorgeous rainy day.

Beautiful Kingscliff, even with stormy skies.

It has been a gorgeous rainy day. My bubby has been a lot more settled today, happily eating lots, then sleeping just as much. Someone feels a growth spurt coming on. Hubby was home today, busy finalising projects. The cleaner came today, making mumma a happy lady. Hubby wanted the cleaner monthly, I wanted her fortnightly, so our compromise is every 3 weeks. Worked out perfectly this week with a real estate inspection on Wednesday. It was so nice to pop downtown for a picnic lunch and come home to a spotless home that I didn't lift a finger to do. Sigh. I shall enjoy this until my bubby sleeps through the night. What excuse will I have then?!

As I sit here typing, my little cutey is chatting away to herself in the darkened bedroom. Considering both big sisters were lavishing attention on her five seconds before bed, I'm not expecting silence anytime soon. I love having both my girls here, and Monday nights are our family dinner nights, where there is no TV blaring, no mobile phones at the table. We all gather, talk and eat. The fare varies, but I am trying my best to keep it healthy yet temp picky eaters. Well, one particular picky eater! I was considering a roast, but decided upon a BBQ chook instead. Then I made sides; steamed green veg, big salad and creamy mash, below. I also grabbed some oven bake dinner rolls. Everyone was happy.

A simple winner, creamy mash spuds with sour cream, whole milk, butter, placed in an oven proof dish. Score the surface with a fork, splash with olive oil, season, then place under grill until golden brown. 

The table setting doesn't have to be fancy. The company at the table is what matters. Of course eating healthy, real food does too. Sure, a home cooked chook may have been healthier, but the occasional pre-cooked one doesn't hurt.  Five adults sat down to this, ate very well, and there are leftovers. The company was great, conversation lively. I count that as a successful dinner.

Now, on to my eating for this lovely, wet day...

Breaky: pre-made strawberry topped parfaits (see yesterdays post) and a cuppa at 6:30am.
Lunch: Left overs from Day 9 dinner with a sprinkle of cheese, cuppa, at 11am.
Afternoon tea number 1: Large serve of almonds, cuppa at 2pm.
Afternoon tea number 2: 2 chicken wings (they feel off. Honest!) 4pm.
Dinner: 1 serve of green veg, salad, mash, chicken breast-limited skin, at 5:30pm.

I am very, very satisfied and could easily go to bed now myself. In fact, I may do just that. Until tomorrow :)


  1. That looks super yummy, I may need to visit tomorrow night at dinner time :)

  2. Hahaha! I can accommodate that :) I'm always up for random dinner guests!
