Welcome back! Today was a mixed bag yet again. Welcome to life with a bubby. After a very broken sleep, I was awoken by my beautiful friend, Margy. Guess who forgot about our walk this morning?! Yes, the baby brained one did- oops. Still, it is lovely to be able to see someone after several months, greet them in your ugliest nightie possible, and with chronic bed hair, yet feel comfortable. True friendship right there! And like true friendship- time apart doesn't affect the relationship. I consider this woman one of life's valuable treasures. Seeing her lifted my spirits considerably. Just what I needed.
Bubby must be going through a growth spurt, because she has eaten every 2 hours since 4:30am! As this isn't usual, I'm expecting her little chubby thighs to be a fair bit longer and leaner soon!
My lovely non teen came over for her sissy bonding time, allowing me to get things done without an adorable attachment. So, I used my time to walk to and from my local shops- about a 25 minute round trip, and purchase bits and pieces for my non teens birthday this Sunday. She has surprised me by requesting- wait for it- mud cake! My non teen is quite the health conscious girl, so this was a bit of a shock. But, no sugar is my conviction, so expect to see a decadent, gooey mud cake on this blog in the next day or two. I experimented with a choc muggin today- a Sarah Wilson recipe. It was amazing, and now I know how satisfying it is, I can make that for myself this Sunday so I don't miss out.
Now, onto today's diet. I stashed myself a piece of steak from yesterdays grocery shop. I was craving a good, juicy steak and was so excited for lunch!
My non teem stayed long enough for me to cook a bit of rump steak, cover it with some wild rocket and top with chunks of parmesan, olive oil, malt vinegar and seasoning. It was really, really good.
Now, onto the chocolate fix. In the I QUIT SUGAR book by Sarah Wilson, I spied a Paleo Choc-Coco Muggin. As I mentioned, with my daughter wanting a mud cake this Sunday, and my previous German student sending us literally a box of German chocolate 2 days ago, I was (a) craving chocolate, and (b) needing a healthier option.
Thankfully, I had all of the ingredients for Sarah s recipe , but, being me, I tweaked it :) My recipe went like this...
1/4 cup of coconut flour
2 level tablespoons of desiccated coconut
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of granulated stevia (or a tablespoon of rice malt syrup)
a splash of milk
a tablespoon of soaked chia seeds
Cook in a mug, in the microwave, for 1min, 25 seconds.
The big blue cup to the right is the finished product- eaten already! It was so good! Admittedly, my mug was way too big, but the contents were surprisingly filling.
Dinner was a very simple affair. Yesterday, hubby chose a pre-made pasta dish at Aldi. I checked out the ingredients, and overall, it wasn't too chemical laden and contained no added sugars. Even better, a 4 serve, filling dish for $5.99 is a winner, and not cooking every night is too.
Ready made meals can be time savers if you take the time to read the labels. Some options are not too bad. It went down well, though I didn't end up eating my share. The chocolate muggin was sufficient and kept me feeling very full.
Now, the bit we all want to know, what did I actually eat today?
Breaky: Same as yesterday- carroty porridge whip and a cuppa at 6:30am.
Morning tea: Really good, strong coffee and whole milk at 11am.
Lunch: Steak and wild rocket at noon.
Afternoon tea: An apple and pear at 2pm.
Early dinner: this ended up being the chocolate muggin at 4pm.
Supper: A milky de-caff at 7pm.
I am feeling a little challenged- it doesn't feel like I am shifting more weight. Weigh in is tomorrow, so I will know what has been happening. Even if I have plateaued, at least I am eating so much better than before.
Until tomorrow :)
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