Teens are the best appetite suppressants sometimes. They have a special way about them occasionally, but I am grateful. Not only was sticking to healthy eating today super easy, I am learning to be a far more tolerant person. Win win really.
Today has been a very mixed bag. Bubby woke a fair bit last night. In her defense, the weather forecast said 12 degrees, it ended up being just below 7. That's a tad fresh. My poor little one had such a cold face and fingers, but nothing mumma snuggles couldn't fix. When my 6am cuppa kicked in, I headed downstairs and promptly weighed myself. Imagine my joy when the scales showed I'm now closer to 65kg's than 70!!! Happy Dance! I have lost at least one kilo this week, despite fried food and a break out pizza fix. See, no sugar really does work. And just in case you're wondering, no, I didn't sneak in some hard core training sessions while no one was looking. I was around 68ish Kg's last week, now I'm hovering between 66 and 67. So, let's say, 66.5. I am thrilled!
I was so chuffed with this, I spoiled myself with a nice breaky- french toast. It looked unspectacular, which explains why there is no photo, but it was so yummy. I know you're curious, so today's eating went like this...
On waking: Cuppa at 6am
Breaky: French toast (using homemade bread) topped with, cinnamon, cherries and cream at 7am.
Morning tea: Megga strong coffee with my eldest non teen at 10am.
Lunch: Rye Mountain Bread wrap with small tin sardines, cheese and salad at 1pm.
Afternoon tea: about 1/4 cup of spaghetti bolognaise mince while cooking for the family at 4pm.
Dinner: Last piece of homemade bread topped with cheese and cherry tomatoes, grilled.
Now, I'm off to drive a teen to a party, and then cuddle my awake again bubby. No wonder my weight is dropping! Until next time :)
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