Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Day 5. Blow out- oops

It happened. I just ate 3 pieces of pizza. Yes, every Tuesday may be pizza/ dvd night, but I said to myself I wouldn't be tempted. I was. Shall I bore you with the details of my 'not quite recovered from this stupid virus and may have overdone it at Seaworld yesterday' whinge. No, probably not. Do I feel good for blowing my diet? Heck no. Do I feel well today? Bigger no! I did want to nourish my body today, not heap more junk into it. But, as they say, tomorrow is another day.

What did go well today? A lesson from my sweet girl changed my perspective. I woke up extremely cranky. PMS on steroids cranky. Why? Partially, a sore, blocked ear and sore head. And my nerve pain has been burning in agony for nearly 3 straight days now. But mainly, I really just let the mess get to me. Hubby has been flat out, so didn't do his rostered washing on Saturday. That left needed items still dirty, and left a full line for me to wash and hang. I was so over it, even running out of pegs and line. Then, an interesting thing happened. I put my sweet little girl in her bouncer outside to watch me hang yet another load. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree! She smiled, squealed in delight, stared at her mumma, stared at the trees and leaves, even happily chatted away to me, inanimate objects and greenery. She was thrilled just to be alive. Everything was new and absolutely wonderful. That kind of attitude is contagious. It worked on me. Families make mess. We all stuff up at times. It's ok. Having a family is what matters. And so is finding the fun and beauty in the everyday, the mundane. This makes a life worth living. Thank you Arabelle!

I did start my day well with another one of my breaky parfaits. This one was, from bottom to top, layers of yoghurt, pepitas, almond meal, cinnamon, cherries. Seriously good! Today was grocery shopping, so we headed up to Tweed with hubby, bubby and my teen. I got groceries while my teen had a driving lesson and hubby took bubby to search for his homework needs- he has an exhibition or two coming up very soon. 

This mornings Parfait.

I purchased these lamb bones today and made a stew base out of them when home. The recipe is very similar to my Best Ever Chicken Stock. I then strained the base, kept the meat off the lamb and re added it to the stock, chopped up carrots, sweet and normal spuds, broccoli, peas, beans, seasoning, then cooked it up as a stew. It is now in the fridge waiting to be reheated for tomorrow nights dinner. Nothing like letting the flavours intensify overnight. I need to point out that though I have stated it's ok to consume fat, there is such a thing as an extreme amount. Look at the picture below. This is too much fat, and no one needs quite that much! 

This isn't a large bowl. I had to hack at the surface to remove the lamb fat layer.

And there it is, a few centimeters of lamb fat and a little bit of stock. I'm keeping the stock and binning the fat.

While waiting yet again for these photos to upload, I was able to start on my basic bread recipe. I think I may have found this online somewhere, so I apologise if it seems familiar to someone. 

I use 425gms budget plain flour.

To that I add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt, 375mls warm water and a 7gm sachet of yeast. 

Then I simply mix together, cover with cling wrap, then with a tea towel and put in a cold oven til morning. Next steps tomorrow :)

Before I grab myself an early night, I had better fill you in on today's eating...

Breaky: Parfait and a cuppa, 7am.
Early lunch: small apple, approx 50gms of almonds, 5 cherry tomatoes at 11am.
Afternoon tea: Cuppa, and some meat from lamb bones. Large water.
Early dinner: 3 pieces of pizza at 4pm.

I have been forgetting to mention that I drink a lot of water throughout the day. I always have water beside my bed, and make sure I drink at least 2 600ml bottles each day.

Hope this was informative. Until tomorrow :)

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